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What's on there? Bands, fire, drink, art, stalls, anything you want. It's a D.I.Y. (Do it yourself) festival. This means that if you want something organise it. If you are in a band and want to play then we are keen to have you play. If you are into art then bring some paint and paint. If you make films then bring a projector & laptop and screen your film.

Friday the 3rd of February

Set up

Fire (if no fire ban) - Check the CFA web site for fire bans -

Communal cook up – Bring some food and cooking gear and help cook up a feast.

Andy's Goon Cup making - Turn an old soft drink bottle into a goon cup in under 10 seconds. Bring an old soft drink bottle & scissors (electrical/gaffer/duct tape & markers optional but useful in the making).

Pirate cinema – Have you made a short film? Then bring it down on a DVD for the pirate cinema guys to play.

Saturday the 4th of February


2 pm-ish The Flying Rats

A 6 piece Anarco punk band with some ska influences.

3 pm-ish  Claws & Organs


A grungy Melbourne three-piece.

4 pm-ish The Men They Call Jayne

A three piece punkabilly/rock band.

5 pm-ish 2-shot Werewolf

A Surfer punk rock band that fuses elements of punk, hard rock, D-beat and a some faux politics.


A 5 Piece fast melodic Melbourne punk band.

7 pm-ish Dopermen

Varying up the music are this Melbourne hip-hop, rap group.

8 pm-ish DJ Monky Balls

Playing Ska music on the DJ decks.

Home brew/smoke swap – bring down a few bottles of home brew or buds of home grown. Sample other peoples and let them sample yours.

Swap space – Bring down any old cloths, CDs, DVDs, 'zeens, posters, etc that you no longer want so that someone else might get some use out of them.

Stalls – Bring down anything you have made and want to sell or trade.

Fire (if no fire ban) - Check the CFA web site for fire bans -

Sunday the 5th of February

DJ/ Bands

Open mic - Haven't been able to email us to confirm playing... well it's not too late. Other wise then bring your instruments and jump on stage during the open mic.

Acoustic free style jam - Bring down acoustic instruments and have a jam

Art – If you are painting a jacket, in to graffiti or just like drawing then bring down your art stuff and get creating.

Frankie's Poncho making workshop - Bring an old blanket, some scissors, a needle & thread, patches, fabric paint, etc... down and make a Poncho with Frankie "the poncho monster" Pineapple.

Solar power discussion - Do you know about solar set ups? Do you want to know something about them? Do you make solar panels? Do you know about deep cycle batteries? Do you have a portable solar set up that you could bring for people to see? Do you know somewhere to buy cheep solar cells, solar panels, rechargeable batteries, inverters etc?... then come join the discussion and have a look at some of the solar set up people have brought along.

Juggle jam – bring you juggling clubs, balls, fire twirlling gear, uni cycles, diablos & devil sticks. Have a play and share your skills.

Swap space – Bring down any old cloths, CDs, DVDs, 'zeens, posters, etc that you no longer want so that someone else might get some use out of them.

Pack up

Could you organise...?

  • A bike repair workshop

  • A tree climbing skill share

  • A bush survival skills workshop

  • Your band to play

  • Anything else interesting

Then we would love to have you run something at the festival. Email me at with what you want to do and anything people will need to bring and I will add it the program... or just jump in and do it on the weekend.

Want to lean something? Email me at and I will ask around to see if anyone can a workshop on it.